What to wear?

Do you ever have this problem in the morning where you don't know waht to wear to school, college, work and so on ? Well I'm here to save the day ! Here are my tips for this type of problem :

  • Prepear the day before. Why should you pick what to wear when you feel (and are someway) like a zombie ? Get your look done the night before. Watch some youtube videos to help, look at some magazines, check your favourite blogs (like mine!) and then you won't be sad the next day that you look like a mess.

  • Wear basics. Be like a model - dress in basic colors and cuts and be more fun with the make-up! Maybe a bold lips or a smokey eye? Do whatever you like.

  • Be bold with accessories. Again just like with make-up - wear a fur coat (of course fake!), a bag with an interesting pattern or cut. If you want a girly look wear a peter-pan collar. Edgy?- spiked bracalets! What ever style you have you can find any accessories to fit it. The best part is if you get bored with them it's very easy to change and it doesn't cost much! Win-win!

  • Two words: One color. Yes I did write one color - wear things in the same color family (of course if you have a lot of things in your favourite color). For example my favourite color is blue so I would wear a light blue denim shirt, blue jeans, a navy blue sweater, black converses and a brown bag plus my favourite blue bracelets.

  • Wear your prom dress! Well maybe not you prom dress but maybe more fancy things you have in you closet - like a sparkly shirt and wear that with some t-shirt from your dads' or maybe a cute, fun dress and wear a cardigan to it. The thing to this tip is balance. 
      And those are my tips! You're welcome and here is some insparation :

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3 komentarze:

  1. dziewczyny na pierwszym i drugim zdjęciu mega! ;)

  2. 1 . i 2 . zdjęcia dziewczyn są fajne , mają , ciekawe style : ) .
    + Obserwuje i liczÄ™ na Ciebie : lublins.blogspot.com .

  3. tutaj stare założycielki it's hard to be a sovereign, mam nadzieje ze pamietasz o naszej mini-pomocy kiedys <3 tyle zmian na Twoim blogu, jest naprawde wspanialy! obiecuje zagladac :)
